sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

Once More

Such cold ways...
Such freezing times...
Her touch warms no more...
Her glance never more...

The collors she gave me...
Turns grey every time...
The colors she had send me..
Just empty they became...

Just find this frozen lake...
For an fast death this time...
Just an fast one for me...
On this long and futile try..

A new key i needs a craft!
A new locket to this heart!
A new lake to hold it on!
For a new and lost heart!

And then this little body..
Will become an lone husk..

Once more im walking..

Once More..

I'm going sleep.

sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

The Dance

Dance, dance for those who have faded..
The dance of the lost ones has begun!
The mists on the campfire isn't nothing..
They are just there, so leave then be!

Dance in this rhythm!
Dance on those rails!
Around and around!
Near and far!

The campfire will warm you!
Don’t even think of leaving us!
Don’t, don’t even think of that!
You will wanna come back!!

Dance, Dance in those rhythms!
Dance! Dance on those Rails!
Around the fire! You HAVE to Dance!
Near and far, you will dance!

And then when you see it,
You'll be dancing for a year!
And the Lost Ones that once you had feared...
Will be your brothers and sisters!

So now then? Dance, Dance..
Dance with then! Dance until Death!
Because you have danced...
The Dance of the Dead!

sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011


This felling that I Have...
Makes me wanna some things...
Some things good...
And others.. Well.. Not so Good...

You make me wanna do bad things…
Such bad things to you my child…
Just wanna hurt your meat…
Badly that I could almost fell it!

Just wanna my teeth in your meat!
Scratching this fragile skin..
And marking you for life!

Wanna see some blood flows!
Some crying for my pleasure!
Those sadistic eyes watching us..
They lust for our pleasure..

Lets make an show then!
One last show…
For those who lust for us!
One last Lust…
For our long lost crowd. . .

quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011


With a sweet cold touch..
A touch That made me dream!
She guided me througth this way..
All gray and cold...

Her touch give me colors!
Colors i never dreamed before..
Colors and warm feelings...
That i never felt before!

For the first time!.
In a long and lone time..
This heart is open...
Open for her eyes!

For long my heart did not beat..
For long my veins did not pulse..
But now.. With a little glance..
She made this world move!

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011


Caído em doces véus..
Te aclamo e espero..

Oh!Bela Morgana...
Teu olhar hipnotiza!
Teu toque enlouquece...

Oh!Minha Morgana!
Levai-me para casa..
Doce casa perdida...

Perdida nestas brumas...
Doces Brumas de Avalon...

White Mirror

Something whispers to me..
Sweet drops of evil..
Sadistic flavors through my mind..
Solitary strings for this puppet show..

Looking in this white mirror,
I see those lonely tears
In the darknes and demise..
Oh! Lost child running for the light...

Lost and confuse.
Oh! Sweet Child..
Your heart turns black...
Once again will be lost from her light...

And when your sweet eyes...
Face the sea of lies..
Your white mirror, once again
Will be lost from your light..